This article explains the data load automation solution in a
hybrid Hyperion environment. Firstly, let us understand what is actually meant
by a hybrid integration environment. In the Hyperion world, data integration
i.e. import, transform and load of data from the source system to the target
system is achieved by either on premise FDMEE or cloud Data Management.
A module called Data Management is available along with the
cloud Hyperion applications like EPBCS, FCCS, PCMCS etc to meet the data
integration requirements for the cloud applications. Using Data Management,
only cloud ERP applications like Oracle Financials Cloud can be directly
connected using the inbuilt adapter.
The on-premise tool for data integration is FDMEE. Using
FDMEE, on premise ERP applications like Oracle EBS, Peoplesoft, SAP etc can be
directly connected and the target Hyperion applications are also on
A hybrid environment is where the source ERP applications are
on premise applications, the target systems are cloud based applications and
FDMEE is the integration tool. In this case, the data loads will be configured
per the standard process but if end to end automation is required where some
rules need to be triggered in the target application post data export, this
cannot be achieved directly in FDMEE as cloud rules/scripts cannot be directly
called from FDMEE.
As an example of this scenario, consider the source system
as on premise Oracle EBS GL, target application as cloud EPBCS and FDMEE as
integration tool. Such a scenario is possible only when the client organization
is still using on premise ERP applications, a mix of on premise and cloud
Hyperion applications and also has license for FDMEE from the past.
In such cases automation will be achieved in 3 steps -
2. Write an event script in FDMEE - AftExport - in which you call a windows batch and pass the scenario and period as arguments from FDMEE.
3. In the windows batch, use EPM Automate commands to trigger the post load calculations or business rules of EPBCS application.
A prototype of the AftExport event script is explained
# Import required libraries
fdmContext["LOCNAME"] == (" << EPBCS location name
>> "):
# If period name is in the format of Jan-20,
split to get the month and year. Convert year to FY20
period_split =
period = period_split[0]
year = "FY" + period_split[1]
scenario = fdmContext["CATNAME"]
version = "Final"
# Call the windows batch placed in the FDMEE inbox
directory and pass the year, version and scenario as arguments
os.chdir(fdmContext["INBOXDIR"] +
command = fdmContext["INBOXDIR"] +
"/Batch_Files/AftLoadBatch.bat " + year + " " + version +
" " + scenario
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False)
retcode = p.wait()
Similarly, you can also have BefLoad script to call a
windows batch to execute any business rules before loading the data like
clearing data for the period before load.
Below is the prototype for the windows batch:
REM Login command
CALL C:\Oracle\EPM_Automate\bin\epmautomate login <<username>> <<password>> XXX >&1
REM Run business rule for Currency Translation
CALL C:\Oracle\EPM_Automate\bin\epmautomate runBusinessRule USD_Translate
Scenario=%3 Version=%2 Years=%1 >&1
REM Run business rule for Aggregation
CALL C:\Oracle\EPM_Automate\bin\epmautomate runBusinessRule AggregateData
Scenario=%3 Version=%2 Years=%1 >&1
Pre-requisites for this automation:
- 1. EPM Automate should be installed on the FDMEE server preferably at the path C:\Oracle\EPM_Automate. Ensure that the full path has no spaces in between else the EPM command throws an error in the windows batch.
- 2. If using a password encryption file for the EPM Automate login command (which is the recommended best practice), ensure that it is placed at the path C:\Oracle\EPM_Automate\bin.
- 3. Create batches in FDMEE and schedule them. The FDMEE batch will be triggered at the scheduled date and time which will trigger the associated data load rule. As soon as the data export is completed, the AftLoad script will be triggered to call the windows batch to execute the EPBCS business rules, thus achieving complete end to end automation.